Monday, August 18, 2014

Bargain hunting: before kids vs after kids

I used to love shopping before having kids. The feeling you'd get hunting for the perfect outfit, the frustration of trying on countless pairs of jeans, the thrill when you found the pair that made your butt look amazing, and then the thrill when you found out they were on sale too! I miss those days...

I wish those feelings could compare to grocery shopping.... Even if I do get a (little) excited when I get great deals, prancing around the kitchen holding veggies to show your husband isn't the same as prancing around in a new pair of jeans. (No matter how hard you try!!)

I'm very thankful that my family loves their veggies, at least showing off my bargain veggies isn't too weird to them. Roasted, baked, steamed, or fried. They will eat them 99% of the time! Because they eat so many I go to the veggie store once a week. On my last trip I spent $16 and bought all this:

I spent $13 for everything to the right including the cucumber, and $3 for the rest! The store I go to has a discount rack, which has bags of produce for $1 each. I love that it's not like other store where their discounted food is pretty much unusable unless you're making preserves.  I still use it up within the first day or too of buying, but most of it is just marked or bruised. 

I used the yellow zucchini to make zucchini and potato pancakes, the summer squash and corn went into a soup, mushrooms were fried up with rice for a lunch, and the potatoes were friend up as a side for dinner today. That's nearly 4 meals for $3!!  And I still have a horseradish I'll use for my first attempt at horseradish sauce. 

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